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Lowongan Kerja Surveyor november 2013 PT. TENO Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Surveyor november 2013 PT. TENO Indonesia - Selamat datang di info jobs terbaru di bulan november ini. Kami masih tetap setia memberikan info loker yang anda butuhkan.Pekerjaan memang merupakan hal yang paling di cari bagi mereka yang sedang menganggur atau baru saja lulus dari pendidikannya.

Disini ada tawaran pekerjaan dari beberapa perusahaan dari kota surabaya. Bacalah dengan teliti dan siapa tahu anda cocok dengan salah satu tawaran pekerjaan ini. Selengkapnya tentang Lowongan Kerja Surveyor november 2013 PT. TENO Indonesia Terbaru adalah :
Lowongan Kerja Surveyor november 2013 PT. TENO Indonesia

PT. TENO Indonesia

In the past there were a lot of problems encountered during the installation of pile foundation, such as : noise, pollution, vibration, and also no directly obtained load confirmation. Solution of the above problems are the main consideration of PT. Teno Indonesia to start its activities in Piling Business by applying some suitable piling systems to suit the surrounding condition of the project location.

The use of common diesel hammer, for example always produces uncontrollable vibration and also heavy smokes which are very disturbing to the surrounding condition. In order to overcome this problem, PT. Teno Indonesia applies a new improved diesel hammer which produces less smoke and the vibration could also be controlled. Hydraulic hammers, such as: BSP & JUNTTAN with 6 to 9 tons hammers are also ready to be applied to solve the smoke pollution and to reduce the vibration due to pile hammering.

In a project located in the city or in a dense populated area, where the noise, vibration and pollution are strictly not allowed, a sister company PT. Teno Tract Indonesia was established to apply a silent piling system in which the piles are installed by hydraulically jacking process to push the pile into the ground until a design ultimate load is achieved. In this case, the jack load during every interval of pile penetration could be directly monitored from a calibrated manometer.
The capacity of the jack varying from 120 ton to 600 ton is provided to install the pile with diameter 300mm to 600mm. The machine could also be applied to install precast retaining structures. Using this system, every installed piles always has load confirmation and the project site could also be maintained as clean as possible with no sludge as produced by bored piling system.

PT. Teno Indonesia also equips its self with pile load confirmation device, such as : Dynamic Load Tester (DLT), which is also known as Pile Dynamic Analyzer (PDA) to quickly determine the pile load capacity. Static pile load testing apparatus is also sometimes used to check the ultimate pile load capacity and the produced corresponding settlement.

ADDRESS OFFICE Graha Teno Jl. Raya Kertajaya Indah 153/P-116 Surabaya 60116 - Indonesia

WORKSHOP Jl. Raya Wringin Anom KM 31,1 Legundi - Gresik

Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Kontraktor / Kontruksi sedang membutuhkan beberapa tenaga profesional dengan posisi sebagai Surveyor,
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan Min. STM / Diploma
2. Pria, Maksimal Usia 30 tahun
3. Mengerti Tugas dan tanggung jawab Surveyor
4. Menguasai Alat Ukur : TS dan Waterpass

Tanggal Berakhir: 30-11-2013
Lokasi: Surabaya - Jawa Timur

Nah,,, Lowongan Kerja Surveyor november 2013 PT. TENO Indonesia Terbaru sudah kami bahas lengkap diatas. Semoga info tersebut diatas bermanfaat untuk anda.jangan lupa share kekerabat anda yang sedang mencari info karir kerja. Baca juga info lain yang sudah kami sajikn sebelumnya disini : Lowongan Kerja administrasi november 2013 surabaya

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